Kişi bilgileri gizlidir. Logo çalışanları görebilir.

Naming Convention followed during customization project.


By coding standards, if there is a particular way by which we define a variable or define a method name during customization project.


Kişi bilgileri gizlidir. Logo çalışanları görebilir.

During making any customization project we generally follow the standard java naming convention :-

Class name  should start with uppercase letter and be a noun e.g. String, Color etc.
Method name  should start with lowercase letter and be a verb e.g. actionPerformed() 

variable name  should start with lowercase letter e.g. firstName, orderNumber etc.

package name  should be in lowercase letter e.g. java, lang, sql, util etc.

Also to keep in mind few points :

Table : While naming any custom table we make sure that the alias used to name the table is CT eg CTStudent

Form : It should be CF eg CFStudent

Query : Should be CQ eg CQStudentBrowser



25/11/16 08:55

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